NH Department of Transportation (NHDOT) is offering an AASHTO (American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials) educational outreach program:
Roadways Into Developing Elementary Students Program, RIDES, is designed to interest K-8 students in transportation careers, while improving STEM. Students utilize critical thinking skills to solve real world problems and learn about careers in the transportation industry especially civil engineering. RIDES is in addition to the current AASHTO TRAC program that the NHDOT brought to the high schools.
There is no cost to the school district! An engineer from NHDOT will facilitate any of up to 72 available activities. A RIDES pack of lessons, reading lists and technology links (such as: How Does a Slinky Fall?) will be provided. NHDOT has a trunk full of fun materials (such as a slinky, marbles and paper airplanes)! Their staff and teachers can work out a schedule that will best suit. NHDOT is eager to bring engineering knowledge to young minds!
Below you’ll find the AASHTO RIDES Brochure (along with the math & science standards) to share with the schools.
For more information, contact Krista Robichaud, Training & Recruitment Specialist, NH DOT – Human Resources

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