Palmer and Sicard, Inc. employee owners are proud to offer an annual scholarship to local high school graduating seniors from Seacoast School of Technology in Exeter, NH.
The scholarship, launched in 2022, has awarded $3,000 in scholarship funds to local students students pursuing a future in the trades. Mark Hodsdon, CEO of Palmer and Sicard, emphasizes the company’s dedication to cultivating careers within the construction industry. “Palmer & Sicard is dedicated to promoting careers in the construction industry by providing training and education for all employees and by encouraging students to pursue careers in this field,” said Hodsdon. “We are doing our part to encourage and support the next generation.”
The scholarship is awarded to students who have demonstrated an interest in pursuing a career in construction management and/or the construction trades. Students can use the scholarship for post-secondary education in the construction field or registered apprenticeship programs. There is also an option for someone that is going directly into the trades that do not have formal apprenticeship or education requirements that can use the funds to purchase tools and equipment for their chosen trade.
A $1,500 scholarship is awarded each year through the Seacoast School of Technology. Scholarship selection is based upon a combination of demonstrated interest, positive attitude, teacher recommendations, and financial need. Interested students should contact the school’s counseling office to apply.

2023 Construction Industry Scholarship Recipient
Tyler Hilton
Tyler Hilton of Exeter High School and the Seacoast School of Technology was awarded a scholarship in 2023. Tyler went on to attend Great Bay Community College in the Welding program. (Photographed with Mark Hodsdon, CEO of Palmer & Sicard)

2022 Construction Industry Scholarship Recipient
Owen Anderson
Owen Anderson of Exeter High School and the Seacoast School of Technology was awarded a scholarship in 2022. Owen went on to attend Virginia Tech to study Building Construction. (Photographed with Mark Hodsdon, CEO of Palmer & Sicard)
Is your company interested in setting up a scholarship program with your local Career and Technical Institute? Here is a list of where the schools are located in New Hampshire and Vermont.
If you have a scholarship program already, please share it with us and we’ll add it to our website and our listing which we share via email and social media. Email Kim at