WIC Week™, or Women in Construction Week™, celebrates and promotes the role of women in the construction industry. The National Association of Women in Construction (NAWIC) held the first WIC Week in 1998 and it has grown and expanded each year since.
This year’s Women in Construction Week (WIC) will be observed March 3-9, 2024.
WIC Week is an opportunity to highlight women as important construction industry members. Join us as we raise awareness of the opportunities available for women in the construction industry and the growing role of women in the industry.
How will you recognize the women in your company and our industry this year?
Here are a few ideas:
- Follow us on LinkedIn and Facebook where we will share local information.
- Tag I Buil NH/VT if you are posting information on your social channels and we will share on our networks.
- Give a shout out to the women in your company on social media during WIC Week and use hashtags like these: #wicweekNH, #wicweekVT, #wicweek2024, #NAWIC and of course, #abcnhvt. Here are examples from EnviroVantage, Fulcrum, and Methuen Construction.
- Create a graphic to share on social media giving a shout out to the women in your company. You can use a free design program like Canva.com to create the image. We used Canva last year and created images for social media. Check it out and use this as inspiration if you’d like.
- The National Women in Construction organization is hosting several virtual events this year. Visit their website for resources.
- Visit the National Women in Construction (NAWIC) Granite State Chapter to see their upcoming programs and events.
Information from the NAWIC Granite State Chapter

3/4/24: Monday – WIC Week Kick Off Breakfast at Tuckers – 95 South River Rd., Bedford, NH
Join us to network and chat over breakfast. Menus can be found at www.tuckersnh.com This is NOT a Chapter sponsored event. Menu prices vary between $6.00-$15.00 per entree.
3/5/24: Tuesday – Site Tour at Pennichuck Water Distribution in Merrimack followed by a pizza dinner sponsored by Pennichuck. We are also having some fun this night with a Pie in the Face contest while raising funds for NSFS!
You can make a donation and designate who you would like to see “Get a Pie in the Face” the night of our event. The participants are some of your Board members: Maria Marotte, Sarah Geehan, Elizabeth Morse, Katie Delay and Trish Jeffrey! A Venmo account is being set up to collect donations for those that cannot attend. Details on Venmo to follow.
Marguerites Place is on a mission to transform the lives of families working to achieve safety, stability and independence by fostering and supporting connections between these single moms and their communities. When you RSVP we can discuss parking for this event.
3/8/24: Friday – Wear Red and post to Social Media: Use any one of the following hashtags – #WICWEEK, #WICWEEK24, #26YEARSOFWICWEEK, #WOMENINCONSTRUCTIONWEEK2024
3/9/24: Saturday – Community Service Day – Meet us at Hampton Beach at the Blue Ocean Discovery Center 180 Ocean Blvd., Hampton, NH at 10am. Beach Cleanup led by the Blue Ocean staff from 10-12:00 Noon
Coffee and Donuts provided by NAWIC Granite State Chapter #218.
ALL RSVPs should be sent to Trish Jeffrey at tjeffrey@hccnh.com to ensure a proper head count for Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday events.
RSVPs are expected by Friday Noon time on March 1st, 2024.